In Situ
Mukona In-Situ Testing (in partnership with In Situ Site Investigation (UK))

Mukona In Situ is a geotechnical and geoenvironmental site investigation company,specializing in the use of Cone PenetrationTesting (CPT) and other related pushingtechniques.
Using high quality, cutting edge technologies and equipment, combined with highly skilledan trained field staff, quick response timesand quality reporting, we provide our clients with accurate and reliable data; ensuring we meet each client’s unique service requirements.
The members of Mukona In Situ management team have many years of experience between them in all aspects of CPT; they appreciate the importance of staff training and are committed to the continual and professional development of all personnel.
We provide our clients with a professional and flexible service with a wide range ofvalue-added opportunities. Our rates are competitive, and we pride ourselves indelivering a project within budget and ontime. We aim to always provide an efficientservice which is tailored to the client’s needs.
Working internationally, both on and offshore,In Situ welcomes all inquiries and tenders;always ensuring that the same standards of professionalism and work ethic is applied to all projects.
In Situ testing is a method of ground investigation where highly detailed measurements of soil characteristics are taken ‘In Situ’. This has a key benefit to the client, as theneed for expensive and disruptive boreholes or trial pits may become unnecessary. As a consequence, such testing is highly accurate given the negligible levels of grounddisturbance; it also provides an invaluable tool during the site investigation stagesof a project. Results may be used alongside more traditional techniques to givea very detailed appraisal of the soil and the ground characteristics across a site. Furthermore, in many cases, this method may negate the requirement to remove soil samples for lab testing.
In Situ carries out a wide range of geotechnical services including Cone PenetrationTesting, Seismic Marchetti Dilatometer Testing, Meanard Pressuremeter Testing and MOSTAP Soil Sampling. The company offers a comprehensive geotechnicalconsultancy service.
Testing is conducted across a wide range of environments; including on land,over water near-shore and off-shore. In Situ offers a range of solutions to meetclient’s requirements within budget and on time.
Mukona In Situ’s clients are drawn from all areas of the construction industry often working on projects for clients such as the mines, roads authorities, portauthorities, local governments, etc.

Mukona In Situ has worked on varied projects in Southern Africa, East Africa, Middle East and overseas including UK and Europe.
A complete range of high-quality services worldwide, both on and offshore.
- CPT004 3.5 Tonne CPT Excavator Mounted Rig
- 1.5 Tone Track Mounted Pagani Rig
- Trailer Mounted CPTu Rig
- 200kN A.P Van der Berg Truck Mounted Rig
- Dozer Mounter CPTu Rig
- Digital Piezo Static Cone Penetrometer
- Video Cone Penetrometer
- Soil Moisture Penetrometer
- Fuel Fluorescence Detector Cone
- BXP / TFG Instrusive Magnetometer System
Additional Testing
- MOSTAP Soil Sampling
- Shear Vane Testing
- Vibrating Wire Piezometer
- Testing near shore and offshore
Research & Development
- Developing Testing Techniques
Through our strategic alliance, we offer “cradle to grave” solutions for small to large geotechnical projects specializing in development planning and project management, project appraisal and feasibility studies, project definition, scope and briefing, contract administration as well as engineering works site supervision.