Mukona Geotechnics offers a complete geotechnical investigation service to consulting engineers, contractors, private developers, client bodies and an in-house service to the piling, lateral support and soil improvement divisions of Mukona.

MUKONA is able to offer a comprehensive geotechnical investigation service comprising.
- Planning of the investigation
- Execution of the field work and laboratory testing
- Interpretation and reporting
Investigation Objectives
- to assess the general suitability of the site for the proposed engineering works
- to enable an adequate and economical design to be prepared
- to foresee and provide against difficulties that may arise during construction owing to ground and other local conditions
- to determine the causes of defects or failures in existing works and the remedial measures required
- to advise on the availability and suitability of local materials for construction purposes
Investigation Planning
Planning a site investigation will be influenced by the nature and scope of the proposed development.
- Access to and the remoteness of the site.
- The nature of adjacent structures.
- Evidence of problem soils such as expansive or soft clays, collapsing soils, dolomites and dispersive soils.
- The geology of the site, site topography, vegetation and drainage.
- Knowledge of previous geotechnical investigations or contracts carried out in the area under consideration.

Site Investigation Method
As a specialist Geotechnical drilling contractor, we concentrate on achieving the best possible core recovery in all materials.
- Rotary Core Drilling
- Standard Penetration Testing
- Vane Shear Tests
- Piezometer Installations
- Shelby and Piston Tube Sampling
- Core orientation
- Density testing
- Plate Load Tests
- Dynamic Probe Super Heavy Tests
- Geophysics Survey
Geotechnical Construction Services
Mukona Geotechnics offers specialized geotechnical construction services that include the following:
- Lateral Support: Soil nails and ground anchors
- Pile Foundation
- Slope Stabilization
- Micropiles including Pile-Pull Out Testing
- Sinkhole rehabilitation
- Ground Improvement
Soil Investigation
- Test pits
- Bulk and undisturbed soil sampling
- Dynamic cone penetration tests
- Cone penetration tests
Environmental and Sundry Services
- Installation of water wells
- Ground water monitoring and sampling
- Sonic pile integrity testing
- Vertical and horizontal plate load tests
- Hydrogeological studies
Available Drilling Equipment
- 2 x Delta Boart Long Year
- 1x GEO205 Chommaccio Drill Rig
- 1x Boart Long Year 38
- 1x Boart Long Year 34
- 5x YWE D90 Drill Rig
- 1x YWE D45 Drill Rig
- 1x THS Drill Rig
- 1x Toho Drill Rig
- 3 x Dynamic Probe Super Heavy Rigs
- 1x Dutch Probe
- Dynamic Probe Light
- Dynamic Cone Penetrometer