Mukona In Situ will be running a course across South Africa on Cone Penetration Testing and how it can form an integral part of quality site investigation. We will analyse the rigs available for testing, explore advanced uses of the results as well as a brief history of CPTs.
Included will be:
- Presentations by recognised industry experts; John Powell from BRE/Geolabs and Tom Lunne from NGI, two of the authors of Cone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice.
- Typical examples of CPTu data in tailings.
- Practical demonstrations from a selection of our CPT rigs and a chance to explore the equipment and cones available for testing.
Registration Fees:
R950.00 (excl VAT) per person.
Complimentary for full time post grad students—must submit proof of registration for 2020.
In the process of applying for CPD points.
Click here for the full announcement
To book your place on the course, kindly complete the attached registration form
Should you have any queries please send an email to or contact +27 82 323 3910